Friday, April 30, 2010


The worlds water gives us lifes and enegry and vitaims A,B,C. They sometimes have bacterica in water. There are 2,000 bugs in half worlds water. Plants also needs water Toxins travel though water whale and other water animals are in the water.Water is uses on corns and other vegetables. They also can get bad sickness. There's blood in dams they also have cargabe all over the dams and the rivers polluation, pills, property, power, profit.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

every drop counts

fresh water DVD 1
thunder comes from water. Canada has more water, 270 and 130 too do your pure wash, 600's dams or rivers. high % of power everybody in the world water was use making your cloths, everything in school is made out of water. 90% of water is salt water water is stored in between cells and in your body. it takes 500% of water in the world

fresh water DVD 2
water is 70% of ice and paper is maked out of water. the water heats up because of the sun. the air becomes humid and more saltier it's being drawn up along the surface. the water temp the surface. the water is both salt and very cold. takes people 200 showers and a baths a day.

fresh water 3 every drop counts
shaggy trees hollows water in the west there are 300 stone fly and they lives's in water they need h2O and needs cold water and mayfly's can be adult fly.

DVD 4: the final line
the more popular is 70% a year of people.

Monday, April 26, 2010

finally, seafloor topography and the shape of the ocean's basins impact both surface and deep water currents as they retrict areas where water can move and funnel it into another

The Importance of oceans currents
because oceans currents circulate water worldwide, they have significant impact on the movement of energy and moisture between the oceans and the atmosphere. As a result they are inportant to the world's weather. the Gulf stream for example is a warm currents that originates in the Gulf of mexico and moves north toward europe since it is full of warm water, the sea surface temperatures are warm, which keeps places like europe warmer than other areas at similar latitudes.

The humboldt current is another example of currents thats affects weather when this cold current is normally presents off the coast of chile and peru, it creates extremely productive waters and keeps the coast cool and northern. chile arid however, when it becomes disrupted, chiles climate is alterd and it is belived that nlro plays a role in its disturbance

Monday, April 19, 2010

ocean currents

oceanic currents are found all over the globe and very in size.its also in indian ocean and currents in the pacific.

in addition to their verying size and strength, ocean currents different types. they can be either surface or deep water.

surface currents are those found in the upper 400 meters (1,300) of the ocean . The speed of surface currents is greatest closer to the ocean's surface and decreases at about 100 meters (328 Ft) below the surface.

mounds in the water form in areas where the water meets land. Gravity then pushes this water down slope on the mounds and creates currents.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

mitochondrion and Chloroplast

Chloroplasts are only found in plans and photosynthesis Protists. While

Their inner membranes are slightly different the purpose behind their designs is the same. The chloroplasts uses the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide into an energy rich sugar called glucose. The mitochondrion is often called the power House of the cell. This ATP is like a battery and will be used to power all of the other

Activies within a cell plants cells want to make lots of glucose because they use it to grow and do other things.

its flos though your body the blood white blood cells. red blood cells like to work in your body also white blood cells has a dease
